Today I have some last minute fun to involve the kids in New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.
Party Hats: Roll poster board or any thicker paper into a cone shape and tape securely. Gather up leftover ribbon, bits of fabric, stickers,confetti, glitter---all the things you may have used for Christmas crafts. Glue items all around the cone hat in a collage style.
Time Collage: Using a piece of cardboard or poster board as the base, find as many pictures of clocks and watches as possible. Glue them onto the piece of paper or cardboard and in the middle of the collage attach a piece of paper that says "Welcome in the New Year---2009!"
Easy Time Centerpiece: On a tray place 3-5 clocks of different heights in a grouping. Scatter pieces of silver and gold tinsel, ribbon or confetti on the tray around the clock bases.
Fun Snack/Favor: Check the warehouse type stores or restaurant supply stores for bags of fortune cookies. They are inexpensive. Place them in a large basket or bowl for the guests when they arrive. For an extra touch, have each person's name and a square of paper on a large bulletin board at the door and tape or glue the fortune they pick to the square for everyone to see.
Resolution Game: Have everyone write one New Year's Resolution on a piece of paper and have them include their name-- they should list the biggest, best resolution they can think of that would change their life. Have one person read them aloud and have everyone guess who wrote the one being read aloud. Include the kids on this one too!
If you have a lot of younger children in the family or older folks who don't like staying up late, plan on making this is Noon Celebration instead, either on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day---there may not be the big ball dropping in Times
Square, but everyone will have a great time!
Serve this yummy non-alcoholic drink:
Crock pot Spiced Hot Chocolate
8 ounces Semi-sweet chocolate chips
3 cups Half & Half
2 cups milk
1 cup strong coffee
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
pinch salt
Frozen whipped topping
Add the chocolate chips, half & half, milk, coffee, brown sugar, vanilla, spices and salt to the crockpot. Stir and cover. Cook on the high setting, stirring every 15 minutes, until the chocolate has melted, about 1 hour. Serve immediately, or turn crock to low (or warm if yours has that setting). Serve with the thawed whipped topping.
Mary Emma shares the orgins of New Years on OFL: