Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wrapping Your Christmas Gifts

From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other. ~Emily Matthews

Lizzy, one of our community moderators, gave us these great suggestions on wrapping gifts. I know from being on the receiving end of her gifts, that she knows her stuff!

I know it's easy to buy a roll of wrapping paper but if you have a little time and collect a few things during the year,you can make some imaginative and creative gift wraps for not much money. ~Lizzy

Brown paper - this looks great stenciled with gold stars,red Santa's or green Christmas trees. Or just wrap your gift and glue spray painted gold dried leaves on it. Don't forget some raffia, ribbon, string or rope.

Brown bags - again these can be stenciled as above or with the receivers name on them. If they are lunch bag style, fold the top over hole punch 2 holes in the fold. Thread raffia, string or ribbon through and tie in a bow.

White butchers paper - the kids will love to help with this. Just some stamps and paint and stamp it all over with whatever takes your fancy. It looks good with primary bright paints and matching ribbon.

Organza bags - these little beauties can be found in all the discount shops. They come in plain colours, prints and painted swirls etc and they look great filled with a gift. If you want some stand by gifts for anyone who might drop by in the holiday season you can't go wrong if you fill some of these bags with home baked cookies, candy, wrapped chocolates, assorted teabags etc.

Recycled containers, tins and boxes-keep an eye open during the year and collect any boxes or containers that you can recycle and renovate for gift giving. Often all you need is some glue, paper, paint, ribbon etc to make a beautiful container to hold that special gift. Plain plastic boxes make great containers for homemade rum balls, truffles, candy, or cookies. Line the box with tissue or cellophane and place the items in. Finish up with a big organza bow. Wash out those Pringles containers, dry and air. Paint the outside, stamp or use holiday stickers to decorate. These are the perfect size for round cookies. Add a spray of mistletoe glue to the top of the lid -presto.

Gift tags - my favorite gift tags are the ones I make like old style luggage tags - a rectangular piece of cardboard (use coloured cardboard or even cut up boxes) with the one end cut into a point. Hole punch the pointy end so you can add a ribbon, string or raffia to tie to the gift. Decorate the edges of the tag by gluing on a row of buttons or beads or maybe some seeds or berries. Alternatively you can buy those little painted wooden cut outs of stars etc - glue one of those on, easy. Write the name of the recipient and you're done. Another easy gift tag is a dried leaf-just write the recipients name in a thick gold pen on the leaf and glue it to the parcel.

I have one male cat who is always wondering what I am doing in the kitchen. I hope that you cat lovers out there will give this a try for your furry feline. ~ScrappinNut


7 oz. mashed up sardines in oil
1/4 c. dry powdered milk
1/2 c. wheat germ

Mix all ingredients well. Roll into small bite sized balls. Place
on greased cookie sheet. Flatten with a fork. Bake at 350
degrees F. for 8-10 minutes.

On OFL: Elegant Bow Tips for Decorating & More:


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