I make these candy candles, but I don't put ribbon around them, and at the bottom I don't use a bow...I use lids and I spray paint them gold or silver. I have even added snow at times. I use very small greenery from the craft store and make a wreath to go around and decorate with tiny bulbs etc... ~Lina
Candy Candles
York Peppermint Patty
Hershey Kiss
Bows or other decorations
Other candies and ribbon for decorating
Cellophane tape
Instructions: For the base, take the peppermint patty and wrap it in foil or fold the corners under and tape. Glue a bow to the top of the peppermint patty. Cut out the center loop of the bow. Take the outer wrapping off the Lifesavers roll. Don't remove the foil wrap. Tape a Hershey Kiss to the end of the Lifesaver roll. This will create a candle. You can use other types of rolled candy such as Mentos, Rolos, Spree etc. Tape the bottom of the candle into the bow where the center loop was removed. You can decorate the candle with ribbon or stickers. ~Lina
In a large glass bowl place colored Christmas ball ornaments in different colors and shapes. Also add strands of silver or gold garland that goes on trees...add these around the glass balls... place a few sprigs of greenery around too. If desired you can also add battery operated clear lights to this.
Lay fresh pine greens flat on table then tie around middle with a big velvet red or green ribbon and bow. This makes a nice evergreen arrangement for over the door. Simple and elegant,plus it smells so good when you enter the house. Do this about 2 weeks before Christmas.unless you're in a very cold area where it will last longer. ~Bearwoman
I made these especially smashing latkes that went faster than the Christmas cookies, so I thought I'd pass it on to you, with Hanukkah beginning on the 15th:
Liz's Light and Lacy Latkes (yield: approx 2 doz.)
3 cups thawed loose-shredded potatoes
(save your knuckles, don't bother shredding whole potatoes!)
1/2 to 1 cup fresh or thawed, finely chopped onion
1 tbsp.. lemon juice
2 eggs (I use extra large Eggland's Best), whipped thoroughly
2 tbsp.. olive oil
2 tbsp.. plain flour
Kosher salt & fresh ground black pepper to taste
In a large bowl, blend all gently and thoroughly. In a heavy skillet, heat up your oil of choice. I used a combo of olive oil and plain vegetable oil. Have about a 1/2" in your pan. When it sizzles, drop potato mixture by small teaspoon-fulls & fry on both sides until golden brown. Flip them over gently and don't try to form perfect rounds; they're better and lighter when they are small and slightly free-form. Remove carefully to several layers of paper towels. Keep hot on a platter in the oven until ready to serve. Cold latkes aren't very good,so keep them hot! Serve with apple sauce and sour cream for garnish. Enjoy! ~Liz
MORE: Try more wonderful recipes for Jewish celebrations!