Today I have some fun recipes from the Practical Recipes for the Housewife book published by the Detroit Times in 1934. I know some of you wondered if it was still available in print. I always watch ebay for vintage cookbooks, as well as used book sources online such as the sellers on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Offline I also always check thrift stores and church sales. If you have time for auctions there are many good deals at those too. As far as I know the book was never reprinted.
The recipes below are for beverages.
Frosted Russian Chocolate
2 cups strong boiling black coffee
2 ounces chocolate
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups scalded milk
1 tablespoon cornstarch
grated nutmeg
Dissolve cornstarch in coffee and cook in double boiler with coffee, chocolate, spices and sugar. Then add milk to this thickened liquid. Stir well and boil for one quarter hour. Serve chilled with some cracked ice in tall glasses.
Mint Squash
Four sprigs of mint
juice of one lemon
1 tablespoon powdered sugar
Cold water
ginger ale
Bruise all but tip of one sprig of mint in a glass. Add strips of lemon rind, juice of the lemon, sugar and chill. When ready to serve, fill glasses with ice cubes, pour over ginger ale and serve with a sprig of mint on top of ice.
The following recipes are dainty and can be used for afternoon tea or open houses.
Chicken and Pineapple Sandwiches
1 cup canned crushed pineapple
1 cup chopped cooked or canned chicken
2 loaves white bread
1/2 pound walnut meats
1/2 cup mayonnaise
Drain pineapple, and mix with the chopped chicken and mayonnaise. Spread between buttered slices of white bread. Cut each sandwich into quarters diagonally, forming triangles. This recipe makes 50 sandwiches.
Orange Cream Cheese Sandwiches
Mix one package of cream cheese with one teaspoon of grated orange rind, and add enough orange juice to spread. Use as a filling for very thin sandwiches of white or whole wheat bread, cut into shapes with a cookie cutter.
I have one last recipe for an interesting salad.
Pomegranate Salad
6 canned pear halves
1/3 cup pecan meats, chopped
pomegranate seeds
2 packages cream cheese
cream mayonnaise
Arrange crisp lettuce leaves on individual salad plates. Place half a canned pear on each plate. Mix cream cheese and chopped nuts, form into balls. Place one ball into the center of pear. Place a few sprigs of watercress at the blossom end of each pear. Serve with cream mayonnaise sprinkled lightly with pomegranate seeds. Serves 6.
I hope you enjoy the recipes!