Today's recipes are from The Rumford Complete Cookbook by Lily Haxworth Wallace, published by the Rumford Company in 1931. My copy was also signed because it was a gift to the owner in that same year. These recipes are perfect for treats with tea or coffee.
Baked Orange Pudding
1/3 cup sugar
3 level tablespoons bread crumbs
grated rind and strained juice of 1 orange
1 cup milk
1 egg
Beat the egg thoroughly and add the orange and sugar; scald the milk and pour it over the crumbs;add the first mixture and, when well mixed, pour into a cold baking dish. Bake till set like a custard,and serve cold.
Oatmeal Sticks
3 cups flour
1/2 level tsp. salt
1 level tbsp. sugar
1/4 cup shortening
1 1/4 cups scalded milk
1/2 cup oatmeal or rolled oats
4 level tsp. Rumford Baking Powder
Sift together the flour, salt, sugar and baking powder; cut in the shortening, scald the milk and pour it over the oatmeal; cool, mix with the other ingredients and work with the hands till smooth; then roll into sticks about the length and thickness of a lead pencil. Bake about ten minutes in a rather hot oven. (400 degrees F.)
Fairy Cones
6 egg yolks
3 level tbsp. sugar
2 level tbsp. flour
1 cup chopped English walnut meats
whipped cream, sweetened and flavored
Beat the yolks of the eggs with the sugar; add the flour, then the nuts and spread as thinly as possible on greased, flat baking tins. Bake about 7 minutes and while still warm cut into squares and roll each in the form of a cone. When wanted for use fill with the sweetened and flavored whipped cream.
Cinnamon Crisps
1/3 cup butter
2/3 cup sugar
1 level tsp. ground cinnamon
1 1/2 cups flour
2 level tsp. Rumford Baking Powder
1/4 cup milk
Beat the butter and sugar, and when light and creamy add the cinnamon, flour and baking powder sifted together. Use just enough milk to make a dough that can easily be rolled out. Roll very thin on a well-floured board and cut into squares or rounds. Bake on greased pans,in a moderate oven, about ten minutes.
Oatmeal Macaroons
2 level tbsp. butter
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
2 1/2 cups rolled oats
1 level tsp. Rumford Baking Powder
1 tsp. almond extract
1/4 level tsp. salt
Soften the butter slightly, add the sugar, then the beaten eggs and extract, next the oats, baking powder and salt mixed together. Drop by spoonfuls on greased pans, and bake about twelve minutes in a hot oven.
On OFL we have Irish tea traditions and recipes to try: