Where man sees but withered leaves, God sees sweet flowers growing. ~Albert Laighton
Easter is right around the corner, as is the first day of Spring. We wouldn't know that from looking outside today in Michigan, because it's alternating between sleet and snow. Still, the warm days are coming and I wrote my first garden article of the year for OFL. I love direct sowing flowers and herbs, but not all of them can be sown this early. The new article gives tips on which flowers can be sown early, including sweet peas, calendula and more. You'll find the article here:
I also wanted to remind everyone of these articles on the OFL holiday section, as Easter approaches.
A Traditional Hot Cross Bun recipe with tidbits:
Natural Egg Dyes:
Decorating the Easter table:
Thrifty Tips for an inexpensive Easter celebration:
Tips from readers on their favorite Easter egg hunts:
~Enjoy, Brenda