Saturday, September 29, 2012

Feeding Your Neighborhood Birds

I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn. ~Henry David Thoreau

I remember the first year my husband and I moved to a duplex, and though it was still in the city, it had a backyard with a maple tree. I hung my first birdfeeder and was hooked. I love feeding and watching the birds, especially in the winter. We live in the country now, and I still put out birdfeeders, but I also plant flowers and herbs that I can leave the seed heads on for the birds. I wrote an article for OFL this week explaining which plants will provide seed for the birds in the fall and throughout the winter.

The article is here:

I hope you have something planned for outdoors this weekend. We are visiting my son at college, which has a beautiful campus. It's homecoming and they have family activities scheduled all afternoon. I can't wait:)


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