Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thrifty Thursday: Hodge Podge

This week I want to share another hodge podge of tips. Again, came across these shared by the members of's message board community. Many of the members there have been frugal for years, it's not trendy for them. Dur to the economy, many people have had to change their ways and learn to be less wasteful. It's funny, the more people I talk to the more I find that those same people are actually finding it fun to be frugal!

  • If you need to wrap a gift that is really big go to the dollar store and buy two plastic birthday table cloths. They work perfectly, and were very easy to manage.

  • After each meal gather up leftovers and any food or drinks that need to go in the refrigerator, put them together and only open the refrigerator one time. Do that after grocery shopping too to save energy.

  • Make batteries last longer-- put the batteries in the fridge. I have kept batteries for 3 years and they still work great.

  • It will save you a lot of money if you buy beef or pork in bulk (from the farmer). See complete tip here

  • Did you know hair conditioner is the best shaving cream? I've been using it for years and you can't beat the price.

  • Instead of using wax paper or paper towels, I purchase inexpensive basket-type coffee filters at the dollar store, and use them to reheat food in microwave and also use them to grease my cookware when baking.

  • A good way to use old pantyhose : Bunch up a leg and snip off the foot for a gentle scrubber that won't scratch surfaces.

  • Save those dish soap bottles that have the pop up top. Clean them out good & then fill with water or plant food to water your small house plants.

  • If you buy the liquid laundry detergent, when you are finished with it, remove the pour spout and you will get anywhere from about 1/2 to a full lid of soap.
We are participating in Thrifty Thursday this week. If you have a thrifty post on your blog, join us! All you have to do is link to Thrifty Thursday's current week's post and then add your thrifty link at the end. 

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