Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tips From The 1903 Ladies' Union Cook Book

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor,
summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic
of them all. ~Stanley Horowitz

I love this cookbook, but it's in pretty rough shape since I've thumbed through it repeatedly. It was published in Detroit, Michigan in 1903 and has 113 pages of recipes and tips. Today I am sharing a few of the household tips.

Hot, sharp vinegar will remove paint spots.

Leather chairs can be brightened by being rubbed with a cloth which has been dipped in the white of an egg.

Keep flowers fresh by putting a pinch of soda (baking soda) in the water.

Moths dislike cedar, cloves and rhubarb, all pulverized and mingled in equal parts. The mixture is agreeable to humans but odious to moths. Little bags of cotton in which the powder has been sprinkled will keep drawers and closets fragrant and insect proof. Note: I'm guessing they mean dried rhubarb leaves which are toxic. If you do this be sure to keep the dried leaves away from kids and pets. You could dry them in a shed by hanging or placing on a screen.

Sun purifies and whitens wool blankets; they should be frequently hung out in the sunshine, which will also raise the pile on them.

I also have tips on removing watermarks from furniture here:

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