~Ann Taylor
Mother's Day is a wonderful time to plan a simple afternoon tea for your mother or grandmother. Serve tea sandwiches, cake or cookies and their favorite tea with cream and sugar. Give each guest a flower or small gift to take home. If you have little ones attending make sure to allow time to read a story too. I found this little tidbit on "Dainty Sandwiches" in my copy of The Ladies Union Cook Book from 1903.
Fashion has approved of the sandwich--probably because it is so English. Both white and fine grained brown bread are used and the sandwich is either rolled and tied with ribbon or cut in some fancy shape. Here are a few of the most popular sandwiches of the present moment.
Peanut sandwiches are perhaps the newest. Spread the thin slices of white bread with mayonnaise dressing and cover well with ground peanuts that have been well roasted. Served with sherry they are delicious.
Raisin sandwiches are quite the thing to serve with lemonade or sweet punch and are made by cutting large raisins in half with scissors and removing the seeds. Lay the fruit closely together between the thin buttered white bread and moisten with a suspicion of brandy or sherry, but not enough to reach the bread and make it soggy. Cut the bread in fancy shapes.
Hot cheese sandwiches are particularly nice for Sunday evening tea and are a great favorite with men. Slice the bread very thin and cut it round with a large biscuit cutter. Put a thick layer of grated cheese between the two forms, sprinkle with salt and a dash of cayenne pepper, and press the round pieces of bread well together. Fry them to a delicate brown on each side, in equal parts of lard and butter, and serve very hot.
(This is my favorite)
Between thin slices of white bread, buttered, place tender nasturtium leaves well covered with mayonnaise dressing. These are to be eaten soon after being made, as the leaves soon wither.
On OFL we have an adorable plan for a Mommy and Me Tea:
I hope you all have a very special Mother's Day.