Today I have cooking tips from the Home Comfort Cook Book, published in 1948. Can we ever really have too may kitchen or cooking tips?
To keep a bowl steady when mixing, place it on a wet, folded cloth.
To keep a bowl steady when mixing, place it on a wet, folded cloth.
If the top of a cake is sprinkled with flour as soon as it is taken from the oven, icing will spread more easily and not be so likely to run off.
To cut boiled eggs more easily, dip the knife in water beforehand.
Dip fish into scalding water for a minute to scale more easily.
A teaspoon of vinegar added to the water in which white fish is boiled improves flavor and makes flesh firmer.
Juices of spiced and pickled fruits are good for basting meats, especially ham or tongue.
Save liquids from pickles to use for pickled beets, slaw or for moistening meat or fish sandwich fillings.
Use damp scissors to cut marshmallows, dates and figs easily.
To bake potatoes faster, quickly boil in water 10 minutes first, then put in a hot oven.
For crisp, edible skins, scrub well, dry and rub with bacon fat before putting in oven.
To make rice white and fluffy, add 1 tsp. lemon juice or vinegar to each quart of water while cooking.
To prevent brown sugar from hardening place it in tightly closed container. If already hard, soften it by placing in a slow oven . Or place in closed fruit jar with slice of soft bread.
Mary Emma gives us tips for keeping our own cooking journal: