Monday, September 15, 2008


In this first issue of Old Fashioned Tips Blogger Edition I have tips on roasting pumpkin, sunflower and squash seeds. I always receive many emails asking questions about roasting seeds. The following should give you plenty to do in the kitchen with your harvest! The picture is from my dad, who grew these monster sunflowers this summer. The largest one is already cut and hanging in the shed to dry.

I noticed the recipe for Pumpkin Seeds. Do you know how to do sunflower seeds from home grown sunflowers? I tried one year but I did something wrong as most all of the seeds got mold on them shortly after I got them out of the head. Maybe I cut them off the plant too soon.~Ruth

The University of Minnesota Extension Service advises that seeds are ready to store or eat when the disk at the back
of the flower has turned dark brown. Remove the seeds by
rubbing two heads together, or by rubbing your palm over
the seeds. Store raw seeds within a cloth bag in a place with
good air circulation. Airtight containers such as jars or tins
encourage mold development.

TO ROAST SUNFLOWER SEEDS: Spread them in a single
layer on a baking sheet, and toast them in a 350 degree F
oven for about 10 minutes. When the seeds start to swell
and the hulls crack, they're ready. Cool and salt to taste.

To roast fresh pumpkin seeds, pick out most of the pulp from the seeds and rinse. Don't worry about getting it all. A little pulp actually adds to the taste of the seeds. Pat the seeds dry, and toss with 1 tsp. of olive oil (or vegetable)per cup of seeds. Add salt and place in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Roast in a preheated over at 250 degrees til golden brown and dried. I shake them every so often to move them around on the pan. You can add spices when you add the salt if you wish.

One of our readers, Deb, also sent in her method of roasting pumpkin seeds:

When I saw the recent request for roasted sunflower
seeds, I thought you might like my recipe for Roasted
Pumpkin Seeds, too. This recipe is for "crunchy"
and "salty" pumpkin seeds:

After removing the seeds from the pumpkin, wash them
thoroughly--getting all the slippery, slimy pumpkin "guts"
off the seeds. Keep rinsing and manually removing the
"guts." When you're satisfied that you have as much off
as possible, put the "clean" seeds in a colander inside a
large bowl, cover with water and LOTS of salt (like a cup
or more). Stir it in and let it sit overnight. Stir it again in
the morning. Then either drain and spread on cookie
sheets OR (as we do) let them marinate in the salt for
another day. After draining, spread the seeds out evenly
on the cookie sheet(s) in the oven at about 250
degrees and let them dry out for several hours. I never
timed it, I just take several seeds out and munch on them
until they have the right "crunch." ~Deb in Wisconsin

Can you dry squash seeds and eat them just like pumpkin
seeds? Do you have to shell the pumpkin seeds and or
squash seeds like you do sunflower seeds? I have a lot
of squash and would like to save the seeds for eating or
baking. ~Beverly

What a great question! I looked it up and found this recipe
from Mother Earth News:

"First wash the seeds and pat dry with a paper towel.
Then place them in a single layer on an oiled baking
pan, season with salt and/or herbs and spices, and
let them sit for an hour. Put the pan into a 325-degree
oven for about 30 minutes, stirring after about 15
minutes of baking. Watch carefully so they do not
burn. You want them to be crunchy and easy to eat,
but not fibrous."

You may use squash seeds in recipes as a substitute for pumpkin seeds!

We have ten pages of pumpkins tips and recipes on Old Fashioned Living. One can NEVER have too many pumpkin recipes! Start here: and at the bottom of this page are the links to the other pages.

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